Increasing trade volumes together with greater controls of cross-border flows and a focus on compliance with export and import regulations combine to create significant challenges to businesses. In today’s global economy, moving persons, goods, services, ideas, and technology internationally can be a complex and costly activity. Effective management of Customs and International Trade issues is therefore at the pivot in maintaining competitive advantage.
Muluh & Partners’ network of Customs and International Trade professionals have extensive knowledge and understanding of international trade regulations and procedures and the relevant Customs and Excise regulations and procedures in the CEMAC region. Our specialists know how to apply their expertise to your commercial advantage. Some of them have worked in industry and commerce as trade and Customs specialists, others are lawyers and former Customs Officers who have worked extensively with stakeholders in the trade supply chain and therefore have an instinctive understanding of your needs in these areas.
Our approach is business-oriented. We prefer not to wait for commercial policies to be determined or transactions to be arranged and then try to deal with the customs implications. Instead, wherever possible, we work with you in advance to develop strategies that provide the optimum trade and customs treatment consistent with your other business objectives. Our expertise is available to assist you to meet the customs implications of new situations and help you to solve problems quickly and effectively.
Contact us at [email protected] or through our hotline on +237 9639 4603 or +237 3342 9575.